Cyber Security

Dangers of Zoom Meetings

Zoom Meeting Dangers - Cybersecurity Risks | CTG Tech Solutions

Due to public health concerns with COVID-19, most companies across the world are deploying “work from home” policy. For this reason, video conferencing has become a popular and easy way to stay connected. Many businesses and even schools/ educational institutions are leveraging platforms such as Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, etc. Zoom is one of the most popular video conferencing platforms among all.

Recent reports have brought Zoom under fire due to security concerns. Numerous users have identified that Zoom hackers are sharing undesirable content and joining public meetings. Zoom user credentials have recently appeared for sale on the dark web also. BleepingComputer, a reputed site that provides technical information to users also reported vulnerability with Zoom in which attackers can access the login credentials of Windows via other users. In order to take the precautionary step, most companies have banned the use of the Zoom platform in business meetings, and have used Microsoft Teams instead.

There are always going to be vulnerabilities and dangers, but it is possible to conduct safe business video conferencing. It’s important to be aware of the risks, but it is more important to know how to protect your business from them. Whether you are an attendee or a host, it is important to protect yourself and your business while using any form of video conferencing, especially Zoom.

  • Secure your Zoom Account:

Your Zoom account is another online account where you should apply the basics of account protection. You need to use two-factor authentication and a strong, unique password. When you get your personal meeting ID, do not make it public, and only share it with people who are expected to attend. Zoom’s public meeting option isn’t recommended because it is more vulnerable.

  • Use Official Zoom App Only:

Many researchers have discovered that the number of malicious files is collected this month through popular video conferencing platforms (Zoom and other apps) that have roughly tripled as compared to the numbers that are found the previous year. This is because of the popularity of Zoom and other similar apps that are trying to disguise cyber threats during video conferencing. It’s recommended to download the Zoom app only from Google Play, the iOS App Store or directly from Zoom’s website when using a computer.

  • Enable the Waiting Room:

One of the most important settings that help you get more control over your business meeting through video conferencing is enabling waiting room. This feature allows the host to review who’s trying to join and provides the host with the ability to deny or approve users trying to join the meeting.

  • Have A Close Look At Screen Sharing Features:

As every video conferencing app offers screen sharing features, and Zoom is no exception. But there are some settings that worth having a close look at. You can disable the screen sharing ability if you don’t want other people to show their screens. Also, you can allow multiple members to share their screens simultaneously.

  • Lock Your Meetings:

If you are using Zoom to host a meeting, it’s important to know there is an option located at the bottom of the meeting window to “lock meeting.” Enabling this option will block anyone else from joining the meeting even if they have the meeting ID and/or password.

  • Avoid Using Social Media To Share Video Conferencing Links:

Zoom is attracting many individuals and business people when it comes to hosting public events. But if you prefer social media to announce events, don’t use the same for sharing the conferencing links. If you have ever used Zoom, you might have heard about Zoombombing. It is a term that that describes the event when certain trolls disrupt your business meetings with offensive content. Theses unwanted guests can easily enter meetings by finding your meeting information that’s been shared publicly on social media.

  • Avoid Using Zoom Chats For A Confidential Discussion:

If you are attending a Zoom meeting, be aware that private messages to other attendees can be reviewed by the host in the form of transcripts. The host is also able to mute attendees and even disable their video sharing.

  • Mute Yourself and Turn off the Video:

If you are an attendee of the public meeting conducted through Zoom and you don’t need audio or video, then you can mute yourself or turn off your video unless needed. This helps you prevent your video conferencing meeting from exposing information or inadvertently recording conversations that you do not want it to, as well as preventing interruptions.

Knowing how to use any tool or software and its risks are considered as the first line of defense. Doing security research on your own is an effective way to have precautionary measures beforehand. As Zoom is continuing to gain popularity, you need to be aware of its features and take the privacy and security seriously. These tips will help you to stay safe while connecting online via Zoom.

Apart from this, you can take expert assistance from managed service providers who will monitor and manage your business data remotely to protect against cyber threats. CTG Tech is offering the best-in-class managed IT services to its global clients allowing their employees to work from home.

Thus, whether you use Zoom or any other app for video conferencing, just consider these security tips and bring your business to the next level without being affected due to COVID-19.

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