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How Positivity Can Benefit Your Business

Boosting Business with Positivity - The Power of Positive Thinking | CTG Tech

We’re all probably sick of hearing about infectious/contagious diseases. But not all contagions are bad. Did you know the saying “laughter is contagious” is true? The same goes for positivity and even negativity. Both mindsets effect (you could even say infect) the people around you.

Positivity is more important than ever to spread, and sharing it, especially at work can lead to more productivity for your team! “Positive thinking indirectly affects your productivity by improving factors such as mindset, motivation, concentration and energy.”

How a Positivity Can Improve Your Business

  • Boosts energy and creativity
  • Enhances collaboration and teamwork
  • Increases employee retention
  • Amplifies confidence to seize more opportunities
  • Improves problem solving and decision making
  • Develops better customer service techniques


“Positivity can be contagious, when everyone feels like they’re on the same team, the effort is collective, and everyone’s ideas are welcomed and valued.” –

Daily or even weekly team meetings are a great place for sharing positivity in an already collaborative platform. Whether it’s laughing at someone’s jokes, praising your team for completing tasks, or even giving each other virtual high-fives.

Spreading positivity may come naturally, but something as simple as giving your coworkers encouragement through a chat or email can go a long way! GIFs are a fun way to send some happiness, and you can even add them to emails!

How to add GIFs to Outlook Email:

  1. Open up your Outlook Webmail  and compose a new email.
  2. Click on the smiley face in the options bar to display your gifs and emoji options.
  3. Find an encouraging gif, click to add it to your email, and start spreading positivity!


Productivity doesn’t have to be a sacrifice, even in the face of transitioning to remote workforces. Studies have shown that for people who consider themselves to be happy, were almost 200 times more energized at work, over 100% more engaged, 50% more motivated, and 50% more productive. Collaboration and productivity are better achieved with positivity, and we shouldn’t mask that emotion.

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