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Secure Your Business Data from Unauthorized Access

Secure Business Data from Unauthorized Access - Protect Your Company | CTG Consulting

There is no denying the statement that almost all businesses face the risks of cyber threats such as data breach, malvertising, ransomware, and phishing attacks. Some studies show that startups or small-sized firms are specifically susceptible. Research in 2019 showed that approximately 43% of cyber-attacks are targeted at startups or small corporations. This is why IT security has become the biggest concern for many business owners.

Why are small businesses common targets for intruders? Experts say that the lack of security measures, resources, and improper planning can lead to the risk of cyber attacks that cause business loss and affect online credibility. It is crucial to have all the security controls in place to prevent your confidential business data from any authorized access.

If you want to ensure your IT security, consider how a managed service provider can help you take the following precautionary measures:

  • Train Your Employees: Employees often make mistakes they’re unaware of because they lack basic knowledge of IT security. Employee education is the most important factor you can do to reduce the risk of data theft. Through malicious links and emails, employees are invited to click on phishing emails that install a virus on your system. Ransomware can hold your computer hostage until you pay the ransom. A managed service provider can help you train your employees about basic IT security and advise them to never open any suspicious attachments or files, confirm the legitimacy of information source before entering any personal details and avoid any malicious attachments. It’s often said that the security of your business is only as strong as the weakest link.
  • Use Unique & Strong Password Protection: Cybercriminals use several ways to access your password and enter your network. It is important to educate your employees about using unique, strong, and long passwords for all their accounts and networks. Advise them to use a complex password using a variety of characters, letters, and symbols. Passwords should be different for accounts that they use to access business files and documents.
  • Protect Confidential Information: Whether its employees’ personally identifiable information (PII), business sales secrets, files related to your business model, financial data, or any other sensitive information, it is imperative to secure your confidential information. If these details go in the wrong hands, they can ruin your business, online reputation and customers. You should make sure that the management team keeps all the paper files and data storage devices at a safe place when not in use.
  • Keep Your Operating System And Software Updated: Keeping your operating system and software updated with the latest version can add an extra layer of protection to your system and network. You should enable the firewall of your operating system or purchase any reliable firewall software. A managed service provider can help keep your Wi-Fi network encrypted and secured.  When it comes to the work from home policy, make sure that the VPN (Virtual Private Network) is configured so that your employees can work remotely without any hassle.

Also read, COVID-19 Pandemic: 7 Pro Tips for Working from Home.

  • Two-Factor Verification: It is one of the great ways to stay assured about that it is only you who are accessing your account. In addition to this, you will need another device such as a mobile phone to get a code for password verification. This helps you make a safe log in as you will enter the code which was generated by you. Two-factor authentication is gaining popularity with both Microsoft and Google are providing mobile apps through which you can implement this highly secured authentication method.
  • Data Monitoring: A managed service provider can keep an eye on what data is getting shared with the third parties and ensure that no data is shared with the people who are not associated with your business. Once your business data is breached, it might be hard to recover and can cost you huge money that you have earned through your efforts, time, and dedication.  If you or your team members share any confidential data within the organization or even outside the organization, make sure that the data is being shared with the reliable parties.
  • Avail Managed IT Services: Availing managed IT services is one of the best ways to monitor your systems and network proactively, resolve IT issues, and streamline all the IT operations with a great level of efficiency and expertise as compared to other solutions. Managed IT service providers know each and every aspect of IT security that benefits your business in many ways. You can get benefits from improved employee efficiency, reduced operational cost, and business growth.

If you are seeking the best managed IT Company near me in Texas, then it is the time you should choose CTG Tech. They are known for offering the best support to companies who are concerned about their network and system protection from any unauthorized access.

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